Achiko AG – Publication of the annual report and annual financial statements 2021 is due by June 20, 2022

Achiko AG / Keyword(s): Miscellaneous
10-June-2022 / 23:15 CET/CEST
Publication of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53LR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Achiko AG – Ann’s postyouAl Report ath annual Finanvsamong othersI Syouayouemenyous 2021 youo Occur by June 20, 2022
Zürich, 10 daysyoune 2022: ad hoc andnotohyounment couldrknewanot to Art. 53LR – Achiko AG (SIX: ACHI; OTCQB: ACHKF; ISIN CH0522213468) (“Achiko”, the “Company”) announces that Achiko will publish its annual report and annual financial statements for the year 2021 on June 20, 2022 at the latest . As a company listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, Achiko is required to publish its annual report, as well as the annual accounts, within four months of the balance sheet date.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, recruitment and training under difficult conditions following the measures taken by several countries required a great deal of management capacity. Accordingly, the publication of the 2021 annual report, together with the annual financial statements and the audit report, will take place in the month of June 2022. Achiko has filed an exemption request with SIX Exchange Regulation (SER) regarding the publication of the 2021 annual report and annual accounts. On April 28, 2022, SER granted Achiko the requested extension. Achiko filed a second extension request with SER regarding the publication of the 2021 Annual Report and Annual Financial Statements. On May 30, 2022, SER granted Achiko the second extension. Achiko filed a third extension request with SER regarding the publication of the 2021 Annual Report and Annual Financial Statements. On June 3, 2022, SER granted Achiko the third extension. Achiko filed a fourth extension request with SER regarding the publication of the 2021 annual report and annual financial statements. On June 10, SER granted Achiko the fourth extension.
The delay is a result of previously announced issues including business continuity in the second half of the fiscal year due to the Covid-19 pandemic and higher than expected manual administrative workload, particularly with respect to auditory reconciliation documentation.
Prior to the publication of the audited financial statements, the company announces the following key unaudited financial figures:
2021 (in thousands of US dollars) 2020 (in thousands of US dollars)
TURNOVER 63 2,806
EBITDA LOSS 8,295 14,217
OPERATING LOSS 9,396 14,069
TOTAL ASSETS 1,914 1,772
EQUITY (4,647) (4,052)
In an earlier announcement on May 19, 2022, the company reported an unaudited Adjusted EBITDA loss of US$5.258 million and noted that stock-based item adjustments were not yet complete. Final unaudited stock-based payments (stock options, interest, financing costs, etc.) amount to $2.711 million and include an interest component of $0.835 million. The difference between the previously reported Adjusted EBITDA loss and the final unaudited EBITDA loss of US$8,295 million is attributable to: (1) US$0.713 million of costs associated with a Swiss subsidiary and the result of the recovery of accounting documents; (2) reinstatement of attendance fees of $0.500 million (Board of Directors and Advisory Board attendance fees are largely unpaid, unpaid and majority subordinated); (3) $1.876 million of interest-free share-based payments; and (4) other miscellaneous adjustments.
Overall, operating losses in 2021 compared to the previous year reflect the continued investments in the commercialization of AptameX™ in a difficult operating environment, and substantial cost reductions in the second half of 2021. Given the position of the Company at the end of the year, it is the focus was on the commercialization of AptameX. To this end, and after the end of the reporting period, the company successfully reported AptameX in vivo performance results indicating a highly sensitive and highly specific low viral load test for Covid-19, sales agreements and marketing with the largest Islamic organization in the world, Nahdlatul Ulama in Indonesia, has updated production contracts with its production partner Indofarma in Indonesia, obtaining a CE mark allowing the company to sell AptameX in Europe , and accepted funding of US$1.25 million in a range of equity and debt instruments.
As required by SER, Achiko hereby reprints par. I of the respective decision of the SER:
“Achiko’s (issuer) waiver request dated June 10, 2022 requesting a fourth extension of the deadline for publishing its 2021 annual report and filing that report with SIX Exchange Regulation AG until June 20, 2022 at later is granted with the following reservation ( lit. a) and under the following conditions (lit. b):
SIX Exchange Regulation AG reserves the right to suspend trading in the issuer’s registered shares if its annual report 2021 is not published in accordance with the provisions on ad hoc publicity (Art. 53 of the Listing Regulations [LR] in connection with the directive on event advertising [DAH]) and filed with SIX Exchange AG by Monday, June 20, 2022, 11:59 p.m. CET, at the latest.
Achiko is required to publish a notice in accordance with the provisions on event advertising (art. 53 LR in relation to the DAH) concerning this decision until Friday, June 10, 2022, 11:59 p.m. CET, at the latest. The notice must contain:
˗ the reproduction without modification of the wording of s. I. of this decision, placed in first place;
˗ the reasons for the Issuer’s request for a fourth extension of the deadline for publishing its 2021 annual report and filing this report with SIX Exchange Regulation AG.
– updated unaudited key figures such as net income, EBITDA, EBIT, profit/loss, balance sheet total, equity, etc. for the 2021 annual results.”
The date of the next annual general meeting will be announced in due course, once the Company has published its annual report and annual financial statements for the year 2021.
Achiko AG (SIX: ACHI.SW; OTCQB: ACHKF; develops disruptive diagnostic solutions
solutions that put people first. The company’s flagship product is a fast and reliable Covid-19 test with a
companion app offering a user-friendly digital health passport. The test and companion app were
launched in Indonesia in mid-2021 and application for CE mark approval in Europe will be submitted in 2022.
Achiko creates and develops aptamer-based diagnostics through its biotechnology division, AptameXMT and complementary health apps through its digital mobile health technology division, Teman SehatMT. AptameX DNA aptamer assays can be rapidly chemically synthesized, are cost effective and have broad potential for the diagnosis of several diseases. Leveraging AptameX and Teman Sehat, Achiko aims to provide rapid, accurate and affordable diagnostic tests for a range of pathogenic diseases and therapeutic indications in the rapidly evolving field of healthcare diagnostics.
Based in Zurich, Achiko has offices in Jakarta and staff worldwide.
Mmedia contacts:
Investor Relations
SwissIand & gheybAl
Marcus Balogh
Farner Consulting Ltd.
Such. : +41 44 266 67 67
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End of the ad hoc announcement