Change of publication date for RR Observer

The Rio Rancho Observer will change the publication date from Sunday to Thursday, starting in October.
The change will come into effect with the printing and distribution of the last Sunday issue on Sunday, September 25, 2022. Delivery will resume with the new Thursday issue on Thursday, October 6, 2022.
This change will allow the news department to advance upcoming events and news the weekend after publication. It will also allow staff to cover weekend news before it is published – without having to wait a full week to publish the stories.
As always, for daily news in Rio Rancho, you can check our growing website for news and publicity. We have over 100,000 monthly users, over 640,000 events and over 200,000 views. Plus, you can listen to stories and other audio files and see our news videos and video programming, local folks like Mayor Gregg Hull, sportswriter Gary Herron, editor Garrison Wells, and reporter Michaela Helean.
We plan to add more local video shows, including an evening with musicians (some songs by local musicians recorded in our studio), a Rio Rancho has a talent show once a month (or a week, depending on the talent we have), and some live programming. And more. Your ideas are welcome.
Garrison well
Chief Editor