Charles County Architectural History Publication Now Available

LA PLATA, Md. – The Charles County government is pleased to partner with the Maryland Historical Trust and the Charles County Historical Society to announce the publication of “In the Midst of These Plains”. This book documents nearly four centuries of settlement in Charles County, describing its transition from a relatively isolated rural farming community to a suburb of Washington, DC.

The book highlights the history of Charles County through its historic buildings and landscapes. From the county’s iconic tobacco barns and prominent dwellings to everyday buildings, such as schools, churches and stores, the authors paint a vivid picture of Charles County’s built environment. “Amidst These Plains” is the result of many years of historical research and investigation funded by the Charles County government and the Maryland Historical Trust.

The authors are Cathy Hardy Thompson and Nicole A. Diehlmann. Thompson is the planning supervisor for Charles County Government and has administered the county’s historic preservation program for over a decade. From 1999 to 2005, she worked as a historic sites surveyor for Charles County on a grant from the Maryland Historical Trust to update and expand Maryland’s historic property inventory.

Diehlmann is Senior Architectural Historian for RK&K in Baltimore, responsible for documenting historic sites throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Previously, she was a freelance architectural historian, writer and specialist in historic preservation. In this role, she recorded various historic sites in Maryland, including many buildings, places and structures in Charles County.

Thompson said, “This is a celebration of Charles County’s rich cultural heritage and hopefully inspires others to preserve the ordinary and extraordinary buildings that together reflect our unique and shared history.

All proceeds from the sale of this book will go to the Charles County Historical Society to rehabilitate Historic Rich Hill. The cost of the book is $49. Books can be purchased at:

• Martin’s (309 Charles Street, La Plata)

• Historic Stagg Hall (8450 Commerce Street, Port Tobacco) Wednesday through Sunday, 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

• By mail to Charles County Historical Society, Inc., PO Box 2806, La Plata, MD 20646. $55.00 (shipping and handling included). Make checks payable to Charles County Historical Society, Inc.

For more information, please email

Jacob L. Thornton