Design Your Site According to the Style of Your Post – The Online Beacon

The SNO framework is built around the idea of ​​giving site owners complete flexibility with easy-to-customize options for every aspect of their sites.

The SNO Design Options page, available under the Appearance tab on the left side of your WordPress dashboard, allows you to switch to a different predefined style starter, change the location of many elements such as navigation bars and social media icons, and change everything. colors, fonts and styles of the site.

On the SNO Design Options page, you can also choose how you want to layout your home, story, category, and staff pages. Clicking under the About Home Page Structure section of the SNO design page allows you to see which Layout Element Widget areas are active on your home page. By clicking on the Story Page section, you can choose a story page that includes a sidebar, a page that reveals a full-page story option, or a page that uses photos and immersive chapters. By clicking on the Category Pages section and the Staff Page, you can choose the style you want for each page.

With the exception of the Showcase Box and Teaser Bars, your site content is placed in widgets that can be dragged and dropped into any area. Your site has five widget styles that you can set on the SNO Design Options page. Additionally, each SNO widget can be set to its own widget style and additionally given a custom color scheme.

Every color on your site can be easily changed with our simple color picker tools. These are available on the SNO Design Options page as well as within each SNO widget.

When your site was built, it had a default text header with your post’s name and tagline. On your SNO Design Options page, there is a place to upload a custom header graphic to give your site its own identity.

The three navigation menus (two at the top and one in the footer) of your site can be changed by clicking Menu under the Appearance tab. You can have unlimited levels of drop-down lists on the top navigation bars of your site.

Jacob L. Thornton