Faculty and staff team up for journal publication

A team of faculty and staff from Cal State San Marcos collaborated on an article recently published in the Journal of Hispanic Higher Education.
The article, titled “Examining Field Experiences of Teacher Candidates during COVID-19: Systemic Inequities Unveiled for Underserved English Learners in K-12 Grades,” was published on November 18. The authors are School of Education professors Ana Hernandez and Annette Daoud, Anna Woodcock, research professor in psychology, and Kyle Landin, student services evaluation specialist for the College of Education, Health and Human Services .
The article is the first collaborative publication to emerge from the Aligning the Common Core with English learners, Parents and Teachers (ACCEPT) project, a five-year grant from the United States Department of Education that provides professional development to improve learning. education of English learners.
The study supporting the review article confirmed that as a result of COVID-19, English learners in Kindergarten to Grade 12 did not have access to online learning, active engagement with their peers / teachers and differentiated instruction due to rapid changes and uncertainties in their curricula.
Professors published in the journal
Communication teachers Michelle Holling and Dreama Moon wrote an article recently published in the Quarterly Journal of Speech.
The article is titled “20/20 in 2020? : Refractive vision, 45 and white supremacy ”. It’s part of a forum on the 2020 U.S. presidential campaign focused on division, discord, and democracy.
Founded in 1915, the Quarterly Journal of Speech is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by Taylor & Francis on behalf of the National Communication Association.
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