Indivior: National Commission on Correctional Health Care Foundation publication highlights critical role of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) for opioid-dependent individuals in the criminal justice system

National Commission on Correctional Health Care Foundation publication highlights essential role of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) for people with opioid dependence in the criminal justice system

March 1, 2022

The new white paper highlights the essential role of prisons in expanding access to treatment, given the high risk and needs of people entering and leaving our prisons each year.

Richmond, VA, March 1, 2022 – Indivior PLC (LON: INDV) and the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) Foundation announce the publication of a new white paper, From the General Public to America’s Jails: MAT Saves Liveswhich reflects the critical role of the criminal justice system in providing medications to treat opioid use disorder (OTD) for at-risk and high-need populations.1

The publication summarizes the effectiveness of the in-prison provision of medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) on retention in treatment, reduction in illicit opioid use, improved outcomes of criminal justice and reducing the costs of health systems.1 Despite strong evidence of MOUD’s effectiveness in improving and saving lives for people with OUD, many barriers limit access to drug treatment, including stigma, legal and regulatory concerns, and coverage and health care costs.1

“Among those involved in the criminal justice system, opioid-related overdose is a leading cause of death during or after incarceration,”2 said Mark Crossley, President and CEO of Individual. “This publication highlights the critical role of policy. More states have enacted laws or taken executive action to make recovery possible by providing at least some form of MOUD treatment in correctional facilities and supporting the reintegration of the individual in the community.

An estimated 24-36% of opiate-dependent adults will pass through US prisons each year.3 Among those sentenced to prison and state prison, regular opioid use was reported at 17 and 19 percent, respectively.4 Evidence shows positive outcomes of MOUD in prison, including increased treatment retention and reduced illicit opioid use, reduced criminal behavior and recidivism, reduced risk of death and overdose, and reduction in HIV/hepatitis C risk behaviors.1

“The ultimate goal of medications for opioid use disorder is full recovery, including the ability to live independently,”5 said Deborah Ross, CEO, NCCHC. “MOUD can help people overcome opioid addiction and return to normal, healthy lives through medication, counseling and support.”6

This report was funded by Indivior through its membership as a Gold Partner of NCCHC’s Partners in Correctional Health annual giving society and in support of the NCCHC Foundation’s mission: to champion the field of health care. corrections and serve the public by supporting research, professional education, scholarship, and the reintegration of patients into the community.

About Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)

Opioid use disorder (OTD) is characterized by loss of control over opioid use, risky opioid use, impaired social functioning, tolerance, and withdrawal.7 ODT can affect the parts of the brain necessary for vital functions.8

About the NCCHC Foundation

Founded in 2020, the NCCHC Foundation is the philanthropic charitable arm of the National Correctional Health Care Commission, the only national organization dedicated to improving the quality of health care in prisons, jails and juvenile facilities in the world. country.

About Individual

Indivior is a global pharmaceutical company that helps change the lives of patients by developing medicines to treat substance use disorders (SUDs) and serious mental illnesses. Our vision is that all patients worldwide will have access to evidence-based treatment for chronic diseases and co-occurring disorders in SUD. Indivior is dedicated to transforming the SOUTH from a global human crisis into a recognized and treated chronic disease. Building on its global portfolio of UUD treatments, Indivior has a pipeline of product candidates designed to both build on its legacy in this category and potentially treat other chronic conditions and co-occurring disorders of the SUD, including disorders related to the consumption of alcohol and cannabis. Headquartered in the United States in Richmond, Virginia, Indivior employs more than 900 people worldwide and its product portfolio is available in more than 40 countries around the world. Visit to learn more. Connect with Indivior on LinkedIn by visiting

Media contacts:


Tulchan Communications

+44 207-353-4200


+1 804-594-0836

Jason Thompson

Vice President, Investor Relations

Individual PLC (LON: INDV)

Mobile: 804-402-7123

The references:

  1. Nieves, L. “From the General Public to American Prisons: MAT Saves Lives.” December 2021. From_the_General_Public_to_Americas_Jails_-_MAT_Saves_Lives.pdf ( Accessed January 13, 2022.

  2. Binswanger et al., “Mortality after release from prison: opioid overdose and other causes of death, risk factors and time trends from 1999 to 2009”; Merrall et al., “Meta-analysis of drug-related deaths shortly after release from prison”, Addiction, 105, no. 9 (2010), 1545-1554. SAMHSA.

  3. A. Boutwell et al., “Arrested on Heroin: A National Opportunity,” Journal of Opioid Management 3, no. 6 (2007); J. Bronson et al., “Drug Use, Dependence, and Abuse Among State Prisoners and Jail Inmates, 2007-2009”, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2017; J. Rich et al., “Attitudes and Practices Regarding Methadone Use in US State and Federal Prisons,” Journal of Urban Health 82, no. 3 (2005): 411-19.

  4. SAMHSA. Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in the Criminal Justice System: Brief Orientation to States. Accessed September 1, 2021.

  5. SAMHSA. Drug treatment (MAT). Accessed September 16, 2021.

  6. US Department of Health and Human Resources (HHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (SAMHSA). Drug treatment of opioid addiction. HHS Publication No. (SMA) 09-4443, first printing 2009. Revised 2011.

  7. SAMHSA. Medicines for opioid use disorder. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 63 Publication No. PEP21-02-01-002. Rockville, MD.

  8. US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health. Drugs, Brains and Behaviour: The Science of Addiction. HHS Publication Number (SMA) 18-5063PT5, printed 2018.

Jacob L. Thornton