New ETF publication highlights the benefits of employing young people with SEND – FE News

A new publication from the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) highlighting the benefits of building a diverse workforce within a company is now available. “Why Diversification is Good for Your Business – Employers Talk the Benefits” shares real stories of employers who actively employ and support people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
From museums and galleries to hospitals and restaurants, the employers featured come from a wide range of industries, but share similar experiences on the benefits of building a diverse workforce, including attracting people. a diverse customer base, finding dedicated and loyal employees and improving disability. awareness among staff.
Currently, the employment rate of people with disabilities is significantly lower than that of able-bodied people. According to a recent labor force survey, between October and December 2021, only 53% of people with disabilities were employed, compared to 82% of people without disabilities. The survey also indicates that the disability employment gap for adults with autism is even larger, with only 25% employed.
The creation of the publication was led by Teresa Carroll, ETF National Inclusion Manager. She hopes this will inspire other potential employers to think about the positive impact hiring a more diverse workforce can have on their business:
“We know that across the country, many FE employers and providers are working together to help our young people find meaningful employment. This publication brings together some of these stories in the hope of inspiring employers to create a more diverse workforce within their company. There are already many pioneering activities taking place nationwide to support the employment of people with SEND, but they are not getting the recognition they deserve.
“When given the opportunity, our young people make fabulous employees and are thrilled to achieve their aspirations; employers fill their vacancies with loyal and hardworking staff, and people with different life experiences work and learn from each other to create a more inclusive world. I hope this post helps to highlight the many benefits of hiring people with SEND. »
One employer that has noticed a difference in staff outlook is Leeds Museums and Galleries, the largest council-run museum service outside London. Carl Newbould, Head of Learning and Access to Leeds Museums and Galleries, said:
“Staff have a better understanding of how to adapt their work to make our museums and collections more accessible. It’s fantastic to see the positivity coming from so many people I work with. A diverse workforce gives you new opportunities. This shouldn’t be considered difficult, but more of an advantage.
There is a wide range of supports available to education providers and employers looking to hire young people with SEND. The ETF offers free, tailored support to education and training providers and employers interested in building more inclusive organizations through our three SEND Centers of Excellence and our Employer Spokespersons.
If you are an employer and considering diversifying your business, please contact Teresa directly: [email protected].
For more information and resources, please visit the ETF’s SEND Excellence Gateway site.
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