Presentation of the publication “Electoral Code of Ukraine. Book I. General part. Scientific and practical commentary”

On June 30, the Supreme Court of Ukraine accepted a presentation of the publication “Electoral Code of Ukraine. Book I. General part. Scientific and practical commentary”.
The presentation was attended by more than 100 Supreme Court justices and court staff, as well as judges from the district and administrative courts of appeals.
A scientific and practical commentary to Book 1 of the Ukrainian Election Code (general part) was prepared by national experts in the field of suffrage, led by Doctor of Law Yurii Klyuchkovsky in 2021.
The scientific and practical commentary to Book 1 (General Part) of the Election Code of Ukraine reveals in detail the main provisions of the electoral legislation of Ukraine. The content of the basic principles of suffrage, the subjective, procedural and temporal aspects of the electoral process are explained. The principles of institutes of election management bodies, voter lists, election information support and election campaigning, election observation and appeal of election offenses were analyzed in detail.
The commentary is intended for participants in the electoral process, members of electoral commissions, judges of administrative courts, academics, teachers and students of law and political science faculties of higher education institutions.
Mr. Mykhailo Smokovych, President of the Administrative Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court, thanked all the co-authors of the scientific and practical commentary on behalf of the judiciary. He pointed out that the courts in cases related to electoral disputes have always received special attention from Ukrainian society and the international community. He also said he was convinced that this scientific and practical commentary would soon become an important and practical support tool for judges in the resolution of electoral disputes.
In his introductory speech, Mr Steen Nørlov, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine, said in particular: “As you know, this presentation was to take place in February this year. However, the war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine prevented this. But that does not detract from the importance of the approaches and conclusions of this expert work. We all know that elections are an instrument of peace. However, we must already reflect on the risks that this war has posed to the future electoral process. We must already talk, reflect, analyze the ways of developing the electoral legislation and practices which must be implemented after Ukraine’s victory so that it meets the main principles and standards of the Council of Europe and the European best practices. “
It was the first in a series of presentations of this scientific and practical commentary. The authors of the publication, with the support of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine, plan to organize a series of similar presentations for partners, experts, the scientific community and other target audiences.
The publication “Election Code of Ukraine. Book I. General part. Scientific and practical commentary” is available via the following link