Publication of the results of the Initial Offering of Participation in the ETF Sygnia Itrix Sustainable Economy – SENS

Publication of results of the Initial Offer for Participatory Interests in the Sygnia Itrix Sustainable Economy ETF
The Sygnia Itrix Collective Investment Scheme in Securities
Sygnia Itrix Sustainable Economy ETF
Short name: SYGSUSECO
ISIN code: ZAE000313888
(“SYGSE”)A portfolio in the Sygnia Itrix Collective Investment Scheme in Securities,
registered as such in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control
Act, 45 of 2002.Publication of results of the Initial Offer for Participatory Interests in
the Sygnia Itrix Sustainable Economy ETF1. Results of the Initial Offer
Further to the announcement released on SENS on 16 September 2022 regarding
the listing approval of Sygnia Itrix Sustainable Economy ETF Participatory
Interests (“Participatory Interests”) and the timetable applicable for the
initial offer (‘Offer’) of the Participatory Interests, and using the
definitions in such announcement unless otherwise indicated, the Manager
hereby announces the results of the Offer.The total subscription that was received in respect of the Offer amounts to
R120 309 200.00• Investors who undertook in-specie subscriptions (‘In-Specie
Investors’)subscribed for R120 000 000.00 worth of Participatory
Interests.• Investors who undertook cash subscriptions (‘Cash Investors’) subscribed
for R309 200.00 worth of Participatory Interests.2. Issue of letters of allotment (Cash Investors)
One letter of allotment (‘LA’) will be issued for every Rand subscribed to
the subscriber’s CSDP or broker account on 27 September 2022, and the
corresponding Rand amount debited to the broker or CSDP account on 28
September 2022.The conversion ratio in respect of the number of Participatory Interests
issued against each LA will be published on 07 October 2022. The ratio of
the participatory interest will be determined after the closing ramp-up
period as set out in the Supplement.28 September 2022
JSE Sponsor
VunaniDate: 28-09-2022 12:42:00
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