Row erupts as ‘obviously propagandistic publication’ is distributed aboard Shatabdi | Latest India News

The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) and Divisional Railway Manager (DRM), Chennai have both reacted after a passenger tweeted about the distribution of a ‘obviously propagandistic publication’ on board the Bengaluru-Chennai Shatabdi Express.
“This morning I boarded the Bangalore-Shatabdi Express to be greeted by this blatantly propagandistic publication on all other seats – The Aryavarth Express. I had never even heard of it. How @IRCTC official does he allow this???” Gopika Bashi, Bengaluru-based passenger, posted on Twitter on Friday.
On this subject, IRCTC, the ticketing and catering branch of the railways, has issued a clarification. “The mentioned ‘Aryavarth Express’ was found in the approved regular newspaper as an insert. The newspaper vendor has been strictly advised to avoid such inserts in the future. On-board supervisory personnel will ensure proper strict supervision. The license holder of the train has also been advised,” he said.
However, in response, Bashi said the post was “definitely not an insert” and that she was in her seat, as well as other seats, when she boarded the train. A copy of the Deccan Herald, she said, sat on the next seat.
According to reports, the IRCTC has only approved the Deccan Herald in English and another local newspaper as the only two publications to be distributed on trains in this region. Only IRCTC licensees distribute them on board trains.
Meanwhile, after Bashi’s tweet went viral, and with several users demanding to know why “The Aryavarth Express” was being distributed on the train, DRM Chennai, responding to a user who tagged him in his tweet, said the matter was under investigation. by DRM Bangalore. “@drmsbc is investigating how an unauthorized newspaper ended up on the train. We like to inform everyone that the train belongs to Bengaluru Division and the incident happened there. We are sure that they would take appropriate action,” he said in a tweet.
Politicians have also waded into controversy, with Congressman Manickam Tagore, tweeting on the matter.
(with PTI inputs)