The Curragh Family Resource Center in Kildare will celebrate the release of the three-year Whole Service Assessment

The Curragh Family Resource Center will celebrate the release of its three-year service review next week and chart the future of its community organization.
On Monday, April 4, Curragh Family Resource Center staff will host a celebratory ceremony at their newly renovated buildings in Camp Curragh, home of the Defense Force Training Center (DFTC), to mark publishing their comprehensive three-year service evaluation and charting the future of their community organization.
The team will be joined by key and long-standing supporters of the resource centre, including government officials from the Department for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, the Department of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Colleagues from TUSLA and HSE will join the celebrations which will open with an address by the General Officer Commanding DFTC.
These are exciting times for the Curragh Family Resource Center as they present the assessment which was conducted by independent research and evaluation consultant Dr. Daniel Perkins, Penn State University, Professor of Resilience and Youth and family.