Towards the publication of an assessment of the ECOWAS management mandate 2018-2022

Towards the publication of a review of the ECOWAS management mandate 2018-2022: a briefing with the focal points of departments and agencies and the launch of the data collection exercise.
The focal points of ECOWAS Departments and Agencies were briefed, this Monday, April 25, 2022, by the consultants who had been recruited to produce and publish the document highlighting the main achievements of the 2018-2022 mandate of the current Directorate of ECOWAS. The meeting was chaired by Mr. N’Dri Guillaume Gnamien, Chief of Staff to the President of the ECOWAS Commission.
Besides the imminent unveiling of the new ECOWAS website, one of the major projects of HE Jean Claude Kassi BrouPresident of the ECOWAS Commission, is the publication of a document highlighting the main achievements, achievements and prospects of ECOWAS in 2018-2022, scheduled for mid-June 2022. Both projects aim to promote the visibility of the sub-regional institution.
After the first two weeks of document review conducted remotely, the consultants responsible for producing the document highlighting the main achievements of the 2018-2022 mandate are in Abuja from 25 to 29 April to collect data. To this effect, they held a hybrid meeting (physical and virtual) in the conference room of the President of the ECOWAS Commission with the duly designated focal points of the departments and agencies, for a briefing and the launch of the exercise. data gathering.
During the working session chaired by Mr. N’Dri Guillaume Gnamien, Chief of Staff to the President of the ECOWAS Commission, the focal points were briefed on the data collection methodology as well as the main lines, content and the design of the brochure models, the delivery of which is scheduled for early June 2022.
The report on the 2018-2022 term will present the main achievements, achievements and prospects of the 13 departments of the ECOWAS Commission, the Office of the Auditor General, the Intergovernmental Action Group against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism (GIABA), and the West African Health Organization (WAHO).