What happens to newsprint in the world of digital publishing?

The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of Rolling Stone’s editors or publishers.
In the new digital age, news publishers are working tirelessly to identify ways to stay relevant in today’s rapidly changing digital world. This has been a challenge, only because print production has been the bread and butter of many struggling outlets. Many of them have adapted well to the tech climate, while others are still pushing advertisers hard to secure display ads in their print products.
Growing up, I was always in love with newspapers and radio. I read the newspaper and recorded myself on tape as if I was reporting the news on the radio. It brought me so much joy and fulfillment that I wanted to pursue journalism. At the time, the world of newsprint was a primary source of news and information for so many, hence the demand for journalists and printing presses, and on-air personalities was extremely high. .
In recent decades, this climate has changed. We have seen the birth and boom of bloggers. If you started a blog 15 years ago, today you could be generating considerable passive income from ad revenue.
Many have decided to become citizen journalists and write stories that matter to them and their communities. These people have built reputations in their spheres of influence so much that people prefer to subscribe to their platforms rather than reputable news outlets in their communities.
So how can local news outlets secure their position as the primary source of news and information in a rapidly changing world due to digital consumption? Here are some thoughts on how we can shift attention and keep print in circulation.
Connect with the community you cover.
News organizations should have activities that involve their reporters, staff, etc., with the community they cover. Going to events from community organizations that have a first-hand view of what is happening on the ground will leave a significant imprint on the minds and hearts of the community. Instead of the reporter just stepping out to capture quotes, photos and a feel-good story, people remember helping out their local communities, like helping distribute backpacks during the back-to-school campaign of this year.
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Advocate for newsprint to remain in circulation.
Many may think that newsprint is not important in the future; however I believe so. Newsprint provides a permanent stamp in history because once it comes out of the printing press, you can’t go back and change history. Digital is very different due to the fact that any story can be changed no matter how much time has passed. Luckily, there are backup servers that can show past stories, allowing you to fact-check the content. With so much misinformation and misinformation circulating the web, you want concrete evidence that a news story accurately and accurately covered the events that unfolded during that time.
Maintain your judgement.
As a media outlet, it’s important to be judged in your city or county. This step in the verification process is important if you want to be recognized as a legitimate media outlet covering news and information from your community. Numerically speaking, you need to be added to several different indexes on the web, such as Facebook and Google. But once you’ve been validated as a bona fide news organization, you’re seen as more trustworthy and trustworthy when people source your media as a resource. Arbitration also allows your outlet to serve your community through legal publications, thereby generating a revenue stream for your outlet.
Make sure you have an online presence.
Learning to be nimble in this space is definitely a surefire way to position yourself to be seen as a trusted source of news and information. Finding the balance between print media and digital content is key to reaching your audiences in your community. I remember when I was leading a communications team, we said repeatedly that if you don’t have an online presence, your organization doesn’t really exist. This is unfortunately true because readers want to be able to read your media/content from anywhere if they are not engaged with or have access to your print media.
Consider creating your advertising in packages.
If your bread and butter comes from print ad revenue, it’s time to step up your game and deliver digital real estate to your customers. I know the language of CPM, inventory, and impressions can be intimidating or confusing, but you have a great opportunity to incorporate digital placements into your ad pricing as an added value and still place display ads in your broadsheets and your tabloids. Make the packaging attractive to your customers so that they will want to place advertisements near your point of sale.
The sad and grim reality of newsprint is that it is slowly fading away, just like broadcasting. We can keep these avenues alive by advocating for their importance in our society by engaging with outlets that still offer this news and information platform. We must also work together to ensure that reputable news outlets remain operational and relevant, and dispel fake news from overnight pop-up blogs that come out under the guise of spreading breaking news and information.