Woof Boom Radio launches sister publication on MuncieJournal.com — Muncie Journal

By Mike Rhodes—
MUNCIE, IN—Today, November 1, 2022, Woof Boom Radio launched a new sister publication to MuncieJournal.com. It’s called 765BusinessJournal and is currently accessible via a subdomain link from the MuncieJournal.com homepage. The new site does not replace MuncieJournal.combut an important addition to this one.
Founded in 2015 by Woof Boom Radio, the MuncieJournal.com The project has been a remarkable success, bringing in viewers from across the country on a daily basis, even though the content coverage only includes Delaware County, Indiana.
There is a huge flurry of economic development projects happening in Delaware County, so we felt we needed to do more to shine a light on all this new activity.
In the pages of this new website, we will focus on downtown, new businesses in the county, the city, new development initiatives, and more. We’ll shine a light on the people, places, and processes that are helping Muncie County and Delaware grow. The new website will have its own set of writers, specifically writing articles that we curate.
J Chapman, President and CEO of Woof Boom Radio, is particularly excited about the launch of this new product as it aligns with the company’s mission: “We use our voice to build our community.”
“The launch of 765 Business Journal is just another expression of how we are investing in the community in a way that drives growth and business opportunity in Muncie County and Delaware,” Chapman said. “Throughout the region, we have a wide range of shops, restaurants, businesses and professional services. With the dramatic development changes taking place in the county, it is more important than ever that we share these developments with you.
Tell us what you think.
Listen to the WMUN radio promo on this site.
You can share any news or ideas you may have with the editor, Mike.Rhodes@woofboom.com
To access the home page, the current site URL is http://765businessjournal.munciejournal.com/